We provide transportation options!
I have several trustworthy friends of 30 plus years who will be glad to give you a quote for getting your new baby safely to you.
We now offer a FLIGHT BUTLER! We can now fly your puppy to your nearest airport anywhere in the USA for ONLY 600.00.
I love this! Many of my puppy families use this as well. I highly recommend it. Feel free to us my code for 25% OFF!
I love these! SO DO MY DOGS & PUPS!
When you purchase a 1-year supply of NuVet within the 1st year of your contract... I will give you a 2nd year genetics health guarantee in addition to the 1-year that you will already be getting.
I do not sell these...I just offer them to my puppy families. When my families buy them it allows me to keep all my Mom's, Dad.s, and puppies on them at a lower cost or free. Call 1-800-474-7044 and use order code 82481
When you get you new baby...you will want to activte your FREE 30 days of insuance within 24-hours. This is VERY important in case your baby becomes exposed to something once leaving here, or is hurt in an accident. This is worth taking advantage of.
I love this! Many of my puppy families use this as well. I highly recommend it. Feel free to us my code for 25% OFF!
I love these! SO DO MY DOGS & PUPS!
When you purchase a 1-year supply of NuVet within the 1st year of your contract... I will give you a 2nd year genetics health guarantee in addition to the 1-year that you will already be getting.
I do not sell these...I just offer them to my puppy families. When my families buy them it allows me to keep all my Mom's, Dad.s, and puppies on them at a lower cost or free.
When you get you new baby...you will want to activte your FREE 30 days of insuance within 24-hours. This is VERY important in case your baby becomes exposed to something once leaving here, or is hurt in an accident. This is worth taking advantage of.
TEXT 817-690-1438 to schedule a talk time!
Reservations fill up fast!